Saturday, March 5, 2011


If the federal government got out of the retirement business, there would be no waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this

If the federal government got out of the banking and mortgage business, there would be no waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this

If the federal government got out of the health insurance business, there would be no waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this

If the federal government got out of the energy business, there would be no waste, fraud and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this (regulations notwithstanding, if ‘green’ was profitable, private industry would pursue it) – and we would be energy INDEPENDENT

If the federal government got out of the farming (subsidy) business, there would be no waste, fraud and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this; food prices would be lower, and less of the world would be hungry

If the federal government got out of the international aid (i.e. trying to buy friends) business, there would be no waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this

If the federal government got out of the education business, there would be no waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive, and taxes would be lower because the citizens wouldn’t have to pay for this; the states would save money as well since they would no longer have to send $1 to the fed to get $0.35 back

If the federal government took care of what the Constitution outlined, there would be LESS waste, fraud, and abuse; the government would be smaller and less expensive – and the private sector would kick into overdrive….

If……if……if a bullfrog had wings…

1 comment:

  1. You are 100% correct.
    I love the bullfrog ending.


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